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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Most Useful Posts On This Blog (Probably)

Beginners Start Here

  1. Number 1 Ranking In Google. Is Your Site Good Enough?

  2. Incompetant SEO Companies

  3. What Is SEO? A Guide For Beginners

  4. Nobody Can Guarantee You Rankings In Google

  5. Ignore Google Webmaster Guidelines!

  6. How To Submit A Site To Search Engines

  7. Get Site Into Google, Yahoo, MSN FREE

  8. Google Trusts Online Business Authority

  9. Be Number 1 in Google When You Launch New Site

  10. Google Pagerank

  11. Small Businesses Internet Marketing Tips

  12. Google Rankings Change Constantly

  13. How To Get Started In Social Media | Shana Albert

  14. Idiot’s Guide To StumbleUpon

  15. SEO on a Dime - 7 Tips for Improving Search Rankings for Under £100

Build A Better Website

  1. Project Checklist For Web Designers

  2. Link Out To Other Websites Properly

  3. An Idiots Guide To Why We Build Accessible Websites

  4. Google Promotes Uncool URLs?

  5. Websites & Clean Search Engine Friendly URLs

  6. Does W3C Valid HTML & CSS Help SEO?

  7. Google Prefers Valid HTML & CSS - NOT!

  8. Your Website Design Should Load in 4 Seconds!

  9. Test Your Website Designs In Different Browsers

  10. Optimize Internal Website Navigation

  11. SEO Mythbuster Test #1 - Valid HTML Test

  12. Accessible Website Design

Google SEO Tips For Those With A Bit More Experience

  1. Webmaster Search Engine Guidelines

  2. What Is The SEO Magic Bullet?

  3. Get Top Ten Rankings In Google With Simple SEO

  4. Don’t Flag Your Site With Bad Onsite SEO - Be Good

  5. Google Penalty For Duplicate Content On-Site?

  6. DIY SEO For Your Website

  7. What Is The Best Title Tag For Google?

  8. How Many Words In A Title Tag?

  9. SEO MythBuster Test #2 - Title Tag Test

  10. Create The Perfect Meta Description For Google (& Searchers)

  11. Use Header Tags For Visitors & SEO

  12. Don’t Optimise Your ALT Tags For Google!

  13. Do I Need To Redirect Non WWW To WWW, Google?

  14. 301 Redirects - For Moving URLS

  15. 301 Old Pages To Strengthen Existing Pages?

  16. Do I Need A XML Sitemap For My Website?

  17. How Many Words On A Page For SEO & Google?

  18. Is There A Perfect Keyword Density?

  19. SEO Experts Speak Out On Keyword Density

  20. Keywords In Bold Or Italic - Better For SEO?

  21. Google, Word Sense Disambiguation & Relevancy

  22. What Is Nofollow? Should I Use It On Internal Links?

  23. Which Is Best For Google - Directories or Files?

  24. Which Is Best? - Absolute Or Relative URLS

  25. Which Is Better For Google? PHP, HTML or ASP?

  26. Do I Need To Redirect Non WWW To WWW, Google?

  27. 301 Redirects - For Moving URLS

  28. 301 Old Pages To Strengthen Existing Pages?

  29. Do I Need A XML Sitemap For My Website?

  30. Google Search Engine Optimization Obsession

  31. Should You Bother With The Robots Meta Tag?

  32. Beginners Guide To Robots.txt

Linkbuilding Tips For Everybody

  1. The Perfect Link Strategy In SEO - Mix It Up!

  2. 10 Simple Linkbuilding Tips

  3. 10 Free Blog Directories Worth Submitting Your Blog

  4. Forum Linkbuilding - Not As Useful As It Used To Be?

  5. Don’t Link To A Bad Neighbourhood

  6. Broken Links Are A Waste Of Link Power

  7. Check For Broken Links On Your Website - Sitewide Test

  8. How Easy Is It To Actually Bait for Links?

  9. Jim Boykin’s Linkbuilding Tips

  10. Keep Anchor Text Links Under 55 Characters In Length?

  11. Does Only The First Link Count In Google?

  12. Link Internal To Relevant Pages, Often, Stupid!

  13. Link Out To Related Sites, Often, Stupid! (3)

  14. Link To Important Pages In Your Site - Often (2)

  15. Linkbait With Lyndon Antcliff (Lyndoman) (6)

  16. Ninja Commenting Via Blogs

  17. Is A Trusted Site Linking To Your Content…Elsewhere?

  18. Visualising Neighbourhood & Website Structures

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